Sunday, May 10, 2009

Progress on the house...

We are one month in to our building process and look how far we have come! The first week, the basement was excavated, week two, the foundation was poured (see bottom picture), week three, the basement was framed and the floor trusses were laid, week four, the main level is framed the the roof trusses go up on Monday! We can now walk through the house and get a feel for the size and layout of things. I love the windows, I feel good about the room sizes, and the kids are starting to get excited now that they can stand in their own rooms, closets and bathrooms. As stressful as this process is, I am enjoying it. It is fun to see something you have drawn and created come to life.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks like you are about 2 weeks ahead of our schedule, but so exciting. I'll get pics up soon.