Saturday, January 10, 2009

Addendum to the previous post...

Just a little FYI, the home shown in the previous post does not belong to us and will not be the home we raise our family in for the next thirty years. We learned a lot about addendums this past week. We learned that if your realtor does not hand one in on time and the other realtor doesn't like your realtor and wants to "teach him a lesson", he will promptly submit another offer, even if it happens to be 7:30 on New Years Eve, and you will wake up to the new year, thinking you are moving in a few days, but wrong, oh so wrong. Oh well, renting isn't such a bad idea in this economy, right?...


Mary Ellen said...

Oh Shoot! I heard part of the story from Steve. What the heck happened? Who knows, maybe it is for the better but it sounds like you got the short end of the stick!

Julie said...

I am so sorry! That is one major disappointment! I hate buying houses!

Braggin' Rights said...

How discouraging Chels! Here I thought you were getting settled and I was gonna crash the house warming party.
Sounds like you need a new realtor, I know one.
We love you guys, miss you, how about a date night soon?

JoAnn said...

sorry about the house falling through. Hang in there -

Brabby said...

That is really sad! I thought that you guys were already into the new house. On the bright side, given the housing market and current economy, you'll probably be able to get a similar house for half the money in a few months!

Marie Holmes said...

I'm so glad to find you! I love being connected to friends this way! I also enjoyed reading your husband's blog! If you don't mind, I'd like to continue visiting your blog.